Product Description
People contact me by letter and email to describe ongoing harassment with non-lethal weapons, mind control techniques and intimidation. Many of their stories sound plausible and are told coherently, in detail, and with a context that makes sense of them. This may be a prior husband or boyfriend in the military, prior employment in the intelligence community, working for a defense contractor, or something similar. But, no matter how plausible, none of the accounts can be proven or disproven.
Karen Wetmore's story is completely different. I have never met anyone who has worked so hard for so long to obtain solid documentation of her allegations of mind control experimentation. As you will read in these pages, Karen filed numerous Freedom of Information Act requests with the CIA and military, corresponded with numerous officials and politicians, and read a great deal of background material. Piece by piece, she assembled her facts, until she had documented a large network of professional connections, relationships and contacts between her own psychiatrists and the network of CIA and military mind control doctors.
Karen's claim that she was a victim of CIA mind control experimentation is backed up by extensive circumstantial evidence - enough to establish her case in a court of law, in my opinion - but also by direct evidence and documents. As she explains, the starting point was discovering the name of Robert W. Hyde, M.D. in her medical records. I was already aware of Dr. Hyde. He was cleared at TOP SECRET by the CIA as a contractor in its mind control program, MKULTRA. He received $148,515.00 from the CIA in 1955 under MKULTRA Subproject 10 for LSD experiments. He received $5,580.00 in 1961 under MKULTRA Subproject 61, and $24,500.00 in 1956 under MKULTRA Subproject 66.
In 1955, Dr. Hyde published a paper in the American Journal of Psychiatry, volume111, pages 881-895, entitled, "Experimental Psychiatry II. Clinical and Physio-chemical observations in experimental psychosis." This paper is about LSD experiments. Dr. Hyde's coauthors were Max Rinkel, M.D., Harry Solomon, M.D., and Hudson Hoagland, Ph.D. Dr. Hoagland worked at the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, which was the site for MKULTRA Subproject 8, funded in 1953 for $39,500.00 to support LSD experiments. Dr. Hyde was the contractor on Subproject 8.
Other coauthors of Dr. Hyde's on published papers include J. Sanbourne Bockoven, M.D., Jackson DeShon, M.D., and Harry C. Solomon, M.D. Keep an eye out for these names as you read Karen's story. In 1958, a book was published entitled, Chemical Concepts of Psychosis, edited by Max Rinkel and Herman Denber. The book is the Proceedings of the Symposium on Chemical Concepts of Psychosis Held at the Second International Congress of Psychiatry in Zurich, Switzerland, September 1-7, 1957.
Participants and contributors to the Symposium include the following documented CIA and military mind control contractors and LSD researchers: Robert Heath, Hudson Hoagland, Paul Hoch, Abraham Hoffer, Albert Hofmann, Amedeo Marrazzi, and Humphrey Osmond. This is the network of doctors who conducted LSD, brain electrode implant and other experiments for the CIA and US military during the time period that Karen Wetmore was being experimented on in hospitals in Vermont. Paul Hoch, M.D. killed tennis pro, Harold Blauer, with an experimental dose of mescaline provided by the US Army at New York State Psychiatric Institute on January 8, 1953. Harold Blauer was never told he was receiving a hallucinogen. His family received an award of $18,000.00 on June 17, 1955 from the New York Court of Claims.
We know for a fact that CIA and military mind control contractors killed at least one person with mescaline in the 1950's. What are the odds that Harold Blauer was the only one who died? Keep this in mind as you read Karen Wetmore's account of the hundreds of deaths at Vermont State Hospital during the time period of MKULTRA, MKSEARCH and other CIA mind control programs.
Karen Wetmore is a courageous survivor and investigator. She has overcome many severe obstacles in order to get her story down on paper. Read it, and pray for those who died.
Colin A. Ross, M.D. December, 2013
Read the Book Review by Jeffrey Kaye