Trauma Model Therapy The Control Of Eve Human Energy Fields The Great Psychiatry Scam
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In this DVD, Dr. Ross tells the story of CIA and military mind control experimentation. With funding by the CIA, Army, Navy and Air Force, psychiatrists, psychologists and neurosurgeons with TOP SECRET clearance conducted extensive unethical mind control experiments throughout the second half of the twentieth century. In violation of all codes of medical ethics and basic human rights, experiments conducted by leading academic psychiatrists at the major medical schools were performed on unwitting civilians, prisoners, terminal cancer patients, mental patients, military personnel, children and hospitalized sex offenders. They included work on hypnosis, sensory deprivation and isolation, non-lethal weapons, brain electrode implants, interrogation techniques, LSD and over 100 other drugs. A fully documented account of this subject is provided by Dr. Ross in his book, The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations By American Psychiatrists.
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