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Treating Trauma Disorders Effectively (DVD)
Item #: 100027
Availability: Unavailable
Price: $34.95

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Product Description

The Ross Institute provides training for mental health professionals on the treatment and effects of trauma based disorders. In addition to the Ross Institute Workshop Series, our first of a series of educational videos is now available for teaching professionals applicable techniques to more effectively work with trauma victims. April, a 31 year old computer analyst, comes in for therapy complaining of amnesic spells. She cannot remember an entire evening with her father and his new girlfriend. Kari, a 25 year old college student, is the victim of a recent rape. She is admitted to a psychiatric hospital for severe depression and amnesic spells. Treating Trauma Disorders Effectively is a training video that gives a comprehensive overview of clinical interventions with trauma patients. The video teaches advanced techniques for treating Dissociative Identity Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, & trauma related Depression, Anxiety, Addictions, and Borderline Personality Disorder. The video's teaching modalities consist of case examples, with dramatic reenactments, and narrator discussion by Colin Ross, M.D. The teaching methods used clearly demonstrate effective therapeutic techniques that are backed by years of experience and research. The trauma field is undergoing a major fundamental shift. The abreactive model of therapy that dominated in the 1980's is being replaced by a focus on the attachment to the perpetrator. This new approach promotes therapeutic neutrality while fostering higher functioning and recovery. This training video is an excellent tool for therapists as well as the general public, because it clearly illustrates two fundamental treatment principles within this new therapeutic model. Approximate running time: 29 minutes.

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